Meet Jen

Photography has always been a part of my life, it wasn’t until I came back from a high school trip from Italy that my friend’s mother said to me, as she looked at my photos, “You should be a photographer”. I never thought about it prior to that moment, but it definitely sparked a little joy thinking about it. As I write this I only now realize that 2 years later I was offered an assistant job at a little photo studio in Huntington. I wasn’t searching for it but it found me. Not because I knew anything about photography, because I certainly didn’t, but I think that was the start of the universe arranging opportunities for me to help people see their own beauty!

Ok, Here Is Where It Gets Sappy…

I love, love, love witnessing the love of a family, capturing each family member’s personality. The way they interact and engage, the looks they share, the tender moments, mom’s hug or that gentle kiss on the head that I know is given because there is nothing more fulfilling than having pure love sitting right there on your lap. If you could inhale them you would!

My goal is to capture the essence of your family and personality of each and every one! I look forward to working with you! Reach out for more info or any questions.

years experience
smiling faces
hours editing
love my job

Get to know me better


most likely to binge watch:

any historical drama piece


my Ideal vacation spot:

Polizzi Generosa, Sicily


on a 10 hour flight, i’d like to sit by:

Nobody, I enjoy the quiet time.


my unpopular opinion:

sneakers go with everything


something i couldn’t live without:

hugs & kisses from my grandson


my guilty pleasure:

my mornings to read, write & meditate


something everyone should try once:

take a roadtrip alone


a book that left an impact:

The Impersonal Life

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