Long Island Family Photographer| Northport, NY

newborn and pet photographer in northport ny taking picture of newbornChildren grow up so fast. It seems like one day they’re filling you with joy as they take their first steps, and the next they’re half-terrifying you during their first driving lesson. It’s a proud but bittersweet thing to watch them evolve from your precious baby to a self-sufficient teen. That’s why it’s so important to document their incredible journey along the way with photography.

If only it were easy to get a flawless photo every time! But as a parent and a professional photographer, I understand how tricky it can be to get those perfect images. That’s why I’ve put together this comprehensive guide to help you photograph your children at any age, from newborns and toddlers to pre-teens and young adults.

Whether you’re picking up the camera yourself or partnering with an experienced family photographer, here’s how to prepare yourself and your children for capturing all those timeless, irreplaceable moments before they vanish into memory.


Tips for Capturing the Best Moments in Newborn Photography

bayshore familyand newborn photographer Oh my goodness, the magic of newborns, with those delicate fingers, tiny toes, and angelic faces. This is probably the time in your child’s life when they grow up the quickest, seeming to transform right before your eyes. To preserve each milestone, here are some of my favorite tips on taking your own newborn photography and freezing those moments in time.

1. Be Mindful of Your Pace

The beauty of doing your own newborn photography is the luxury of time. When taking pictures at home, you can take your time to capture various moods and poses. But remember, you’re recovering from childbirth. Pace yourself, and avoid trying to capture every angle in a single day. Exhaustion won’t help you or your baby.

2. Perfect Lighting Is Key

One common mistake in newborn photography, even among pros, is improper lighting. Natural light is your best friend. Position yourself and your baby near a window, and let the ambient light illuminate all those itty bitty details. (But avoid direct sunlight, which will make it tough to balance the contrast in your picture!)

3. Create a Happy Environment for Baby (and You)

Keeping your baby content is the ticket to a smooth photo session. If it’s chilly, dress them in a cozy outfit or consider using a space heater to warm up the area where you’ll be taking photos. A white noise app can also do wonders for keeping your newborn calm. And of course, a well-fed baby is a happy baby. So, make sure to time feedings so that your little one is neither hungry nor overly full during the shoot.

4. Don’t Forget the Tiny Details

Your newborn is a treasure trove of unique features, from their upturned nose to their little toes. That’s why I love incorporating the super closeups of macro photography for newborns. Use a macro lens to capture these details. If you’re new to using a macro lens, consider using manual focus for better control, and don’t hesitate to adjust your ISO settings if needed. You can also ask your professional family photographer to include these closeups in your next newborn shoot.

5. Prepare for the Session

Keep your baby awake before the session to encourage those adorable sleepy poses. Feed them 20-30 minutes before starting, and make sure they’re in a loosely fitted diaper to avoid marks. Preparation sets the stage for a successful shoot.

7. Incorporate Older Siblings

If you have older children, don’t forget to include them in the photoshoot! This can result in some of the most heartwarming photos you’ll ever take. A photo of your newborn with their older sibling is worth a thousand words.

8. Keep Your Cool and Trust the Process

Feeling a bit anxious? Take deep breaths. Your emotional state can affect your baby. So, trust your instincts — and if you’ve hired a professional for lifestyle newborn photography, trust theirs, too. We family photographers have developed a strong rapport with kids, and we know how to get those perfect images that capture the essence of your child.

Long Island Family Photographer Huntington NY

From Newborn to Toddler: The Journey in Photography

Toddler smiles in photograph in Long Island, NY. The first year of a child’s life is a transformative period, not only for the baby but also for you. At first, you’re savoring the stillness and purity of your newborn’s tiny eyelashes and dreamy expressions. Then you blink, and that peaceful infant becomes a bustling toddler eager to explore every nook and cranny.

I’m here to tell you that this transition also introduces new complexities in photography. If your kids are anything like mine was, your toddler is suddenly bursting with personality and trying to escape your photo ops with their wobbly steps.

When your baby turns into an adventurous toddler, it’s time to adapt your techniques to capture their dynamic energy. Here are some tips for you to try.

1. Adjust the Atmosphere

Toddlers are curious explorers, so make sure the setting accommodates their need to move and investigate. Outdoor sessions are often a good choice because they allow for more freedom. If you must be indoors, make sure it’s an environment the child feels comfortable in. Toys, blankets, and other familiar items can help keep them occupied. Catch those spontaneous smiles and expressions as they interact with their environment.

2. Choose a Big Light Source

As with those darling newborns, the lighting you choose can drastically affect the quality of your toddler photos. Set up activities for your kiddo near large sources of natural light like big windows, as they offer a softer, more even illumination. If you’re scheduling the session indoors, aim for a time of day when there is plenty of sunlight coming in. This can give your photos a more effortless look.

3. Pay Attention to the Background

Toddlers are the stars of the photo, so make sure your background doesn’t distract from them. Simple backgrounds like a park filled with plants or a room with neutral colors can help your child stand out more clearly.

Posing Advice for Toddler Photography

Toddler photographed on the beach in the Hamptons. When capturing the fleeting moments of toddlerhood on camera, the key lies in engaging your little one in playful scenarios for natural photos.

  • Give Your Toddler Somewhere to Sit: As any parent can tell you, getting a toddler to stay still is a bit like herding cats, but it’s easier if you provide somewhere for them to sit. Even a small crate or a stool will do — just have your camera ready for those precious seconds they decide to stay put.
  • Give Your Toddler Something to Hold: A toy or a flower can serve as a great prop. It will keep them occupied for a moment, and when they look up, that’s your opportunity for a great image.
  • Ask Them to Play Copycat: Engage with your toddler by playing games or making faces. If they find you amusing, they might just mimic your actions long enough for you to capture the perfect photo.
  • Be Patient and Get Involved in Play: Toddlers are unpredictable. One minute they’re happy and the next they could be throwing a tantrum. Stay patient and try to make the photo session as fun as possible. Make it a game, engage with them, and soon enough you’ll have a collection of wonderful pictures that capture the essence of your toddler’s personality.

Capturing moments with a toddler is a different kind of adventure than photographing a newborn. But with patience and the right techniques, you can take stunning pictures worth treasuring for a lifetime.

From Toddler to Child Photography

A child in a photo shoot in Long Island, NY Capturing the essence of childhood in a photograph is an art. At Zoot Shoot, with over 30 years of experience in child photography, we know the perfect picture isn’t just about the click of a camera — it’s a blend of timing, technique, and genuine interaction. Here are our curated tips for photographing children like a pro.

How to Get Better Child Photography

Enter Their World

Align your camera to a child’s eye level. This simple trick helps you engage more naturally with kids and provides a more connected perspective. The rule holds true whether you’re capturing babies during tummy time or older kids in action.

The Art of Authenticity

Forget the choreographed “say cheese” moments; they often yield forced smiles. Aim for natural reactions — think kids enjoying an ice cream or running toward you for a hug. Embrace the realness of family life, even when it’s a bit scruffy. It’s about capturing them as they are, not as you wish them to be.

Timing Is Everything

It’s crucial to be mindful of a child’s attention span. Our shoots are typically scheduled for an hour, but we work with your children to ensure they’re not overwhelmed. This may mean splitting up the shoot into 3 or 4 increments. During the session, watch for signs of fatigue or restlessness and adapt your approach accordingly.

Paint with Natural Light

Especially when indoors, prioritize natural light for a more flattering look. Turn off artificial lights and let the daylight pour in through windows. If you’re outdoors, the golden hour offers an ethereal quality of light, while open shade protects against harsh sunlight.

The Power of Detail

Close-ups of a child’s hand around a teddy bear or images of their tiny feet tell a unique story. Details provide texture to your photographs and contribute to a more complete storytelling experience.

Experiment and Innovate

Don’t shy away from trying different angles, perspectives, or even filters. The digital age offers countless opportunities to get creative without the cost of film. Experimentation can often result in your most memorable shots.

Children playing with their mother during photoshoot in Long Island, NYInclude Yourself

Too often, parents remain behind the lens. But remember, your children will treasure photos of you too, flaws and all. Don’t hesitate to join in and be part of the story.

Trust a Professional

Even with these tips, there are moments that call for a professional’s touch. A seasoned photographer will capture the nuances and interactions that define your family, taking your photographs to another level.

Tips to Prepare Your Child for a Professional Photoshoot

Preparing for this big day can feel overwhelming, especially with young children in tow. To make your experience seamless, here’s your complete guide to getting everyone camera-ready.

Clothing Matters

Let’s start with the basics — what everyone will wear. Stick to simple, comfortable choices that let your children’s natural beauty shine through. For babies, solid white or pastel-colored diapers are a go-to. Toddlers and older kids should wear shoes that are stylish but still let them move freely. The key is to try on all outfits a few days before to iron out any issues with fit or comfort.

Opt for Familiar Hairstyles and Accessories

Now, you might be tempted to try a new haircut or hairstyle for this special occasion, but resist the urge. It’s best to stick with what you know works for your child. The same goes for accessories like bows and headbands. Make sure they add to the look rather than steal the spotlight.

Capturing Authentic Moments

You might assume that incentivizing children with rewards is effective for ensuring cooperation during photo shoots, but in reality, this isn’t necessary and could even detract from the moment’s authenticity. The key lies in the photographer’s skill in creating a fun, engaging atmosphere.

A professional photographer utilizes their experience and techniques to keep children naturally engaged, encouraging genuine expressions without the need for any artificial incentives, especially food. This approach not only makes the session enjoyable for your child but also captures those priceless, spontaneous emotions and expressions that make for truly memorable photographs.

Don’t Forget Food and Rest

Last but not least, make sure your child is well-rested before the shoot. Tiredness can lead to fussiness and forced smiles. Ideally, schedule the photo session at a time when your child is usually awake, energetic, and in a good mood. Adjust bedtimes and nap schedules as needed leading up to the shoot.

The same goes for snacks. Hungry kids are cranky kids, so make sure everyone is happy and well-fed before picture time. And one more thing — be mindful of what your child eats or drinks before the shoot to avoid any lip or mouth stains.

By following these simple yet effective tips, you’ll not only make the photo shoot a smoother experience for everyone involved but also ensure that the end result captures the true essence of your family. After all, a picture is worth a thousand words, but a family photo is priceless.Children playing during a photoshoot

From Children to Teen Photography

Teen photographed on the beach in Long Island, NY Ah, the rollercoaster of the teen years! While this bumpy period can be filled with ups and downs, it’s also one of the most incredible times to be a parent as you proudly watch your kids bloom into young adults. As a photographer (and as a mother), I’ve experienced it all — the uncontrolled giggles, the unexpected moments of shyness, the occasional attitude, and, best of all the pure, heartfelt emotions that can bubble up.

Of course, it’s not always easy to catch this special transition in photography. I’ve learned that taking photos of teens requires more than just asking for smiles; it’s about capturing the true spirit of these pivotal years. So if you’re preparing for a teen photoshoot, here are my best insider tips to help your teenager’s pictures turn out genuine and unforgettable.

1. Keep It Real: Say Goodbye to “Cheese”

The real magic happens when teens can just be themselves. They’re complex, yes, but also surprisingly honest. Getting them to move past rehearsed smiles and show their true colors makes all the difference. So instead of suggesting they smile or “Say cheese,” just prompt them to interact with the camera however feels natural and authentic in the moment. Even if they aren’t showing off their biggest grin, you can create beautiful photographs that show them in more thoughtful or peaceful moods.

2. Style Speaks: Clothes That Tell Their Story

Every teen’s fashion choice is a statement, a form of self-expression that’s deeply personal. From head to toe, what they wear during a photoshoot can say so much about who they are. My advice? Don’t try to micromanage their outfit or dress them up in a way that doesn’t reflect their true personality. Let your teen have input in the look so their comfort and confidence can do the talking!

3. Location Matters: Set the Right Scene

Each location for your teenager’s photoshoot should resonate with their unique story and spirit. On Long Island, we’re blessed with many scenic spots that naturally enhance every frame, turning each photograph into a cherished memory page in the storybook of youth.

Consider the timeless allure of Montauk Point State Park or the serene expanses at Robert Moses State Park. Perhaps the cultural richness of The Vanderbilt Museum sparks curiosity, while the natural playground of Planting Fields Arboretum invites playful exploration. Every backdrop is a potential stage for them to shine, ponder, and celebrate their journey so far.

Teen takes photograph on beach for NYC photographer 4. Solo Spotlight: Celebrate Each Teen

Of course, family photos are precious mementos of togetherness. But when I photograph teens on their own, something special happens. Away from family, they open up in a different way. They’re not just someone’s kid or sibling here; they’re the star of the show. So even if you’re planning a group photoshoot, consider allocating some time to let each child interact with the camera individually.

5. Chat It Up: Make a Real Connection

You know what I love even more than taking the pictures at a teen photoshoot? The chats I have with my young clients. When a teen shares their hopes, opens up about their worries, or gets excited about their hobbies, that’s when the real magic happens. Those genuine interactions make for photos that truly resonate.

6. Patience Pays Off: No Rushing, Please

And here’s my secret weapon: patience. Whether we’re hanging out in a lively street or by the peaceful shore, taking our time and waiting for the perfect, natural moment ensures that the photos we capture are both sincere and revealing.

Tackling a teenager’s photoshoot is a bit like dancing without choreography. It’s unpredictable, sure, but oh so rewarding. It’s not just about snapping pictures; it’s about freezing a very special point in time.

Bonus: Helping Teens Shine

At Zoot Shoot, we’ve seen the magic that happens when teenagers are empowered to be themselves. Their individual spark doesn’t just brighten their persona in individual photos; it adds a unique light to the whole family. Our secret? Teaching them to embrace their authenticity and shine in their own way within photography.

This journey, from tentative poses to confident smiles, goes beyond good photos. It’s about building self-esteem. As teens discover their comfort in front of the camera, they’re not just finding their place in a photograph — they’re strengthening their sense of self, contributing their own unique hue to the family’s spectrum of love and connection.

Family photographed on the beach by a NYC family photographer

Your Family’s Journey: Frame by Frame

Throughout my time as a photographer, I’ve realized that growing up doesn’t happen in just a few big moments. It’s every curious question, stubborn tear, and brave step forward that defines their transition from childhood to adulthood. I’ve seen kids be their most authentic selves, whether they’re shy and introspective or bursting with boundless energy. And I’ve made it my mission to be there throughout, providing parents a guide through each chapter of childhood with images that remind us of who our kids are, and who they are proudly becoming.

I’m not just the person behind the camera; I’m a storyteller celebrating each child’s unique journey. I’m here to capture real life — the tantrums, the laughter, the pouts, the grins. Because in between those moments, that’s where life happens, and those are the stories you’ll tell for years to come.

If you’re looking for a photographer who feels more like a family friend, I’m your person. Stationed here in beautiful Long Island, I’m ready to turn these fleeting moments into memories you can revisit time and again. Let’s not just take photos; let’s remember the days that shape us, in all their messy, wonderful glory.